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    Also this year Visa SpA will be participating to the 39th edition of “Hotel 2015” exhibition, an international important event in the hotel and restaurant sector, that will be held in Bozen, Italy from 19th to 22nd October 2015.

  • ELECTRITEC – The International Exhibition of Electricity Technologies

    16th – 19th September, 2015
    Parc d’Expositions de l’Office des Changes – in Casablanca, Morocco

    The International Exhibition of Electricity Technologies, organized by the Moroccan Federation of Electricity is a major event focused to support and promote the development of the electricity business sector.

  • European Mountain Bike & Trial Championships 2015

    Visa Spa will be supporting with its products the extremely important event for European cycling: the European Championship of Mountain Bike and Trials scheduled from July 22nd to 26th in Alpago, a beautiful location of the Veneto Region, in Italy. The village of Lamosano di Chies d’Alpago will be the ideal setting for these Continental Championships of the competitive categories.

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