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HOTEL 2016 - exhibition

Visa SpA also this year will be participating to “Hotel 2016”, the international event in the hotel and restaurant sector, celebrating its 40th edition that will be held in Bozen, Italy from 24th to 27th October 2016, a perfect setting in the heart of South Tyrol.

Divided into 6 subject areas (kitchen and table, interiors and decorations, constructing and renovating, wellness, management and communication, gastronomy) Hotel 2016 will host a rich agenda of, if possible, even more interesting and exciting programs, training events and specific workshops carried out by high-profile speakers. It is a business platform including creative meetings and very innovative inspiring experiences, that emphasize the constantly evolving trends of this sector.

Visa SpA will be there with its sales and technical team displaying its range of products to update you about news, promotions and to meet your requests.

Come and visit us, our stand will be the same as last year, n. B11/06. You will be the most welcome!.

To learn more and get the complete program of the interesting events, visit the web site:

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